
Beet Bread

A slice of bread with a crispy crust and soft middle is both ordinary and exceptional at the same time. Nevertheless, we decided to prepare something special for you, which was baked first in the minds of our bakers and then put on the counter of the bakery and confectionery Kuszmannov bazár.

Sometimes our eyes are braver than our minds. This is doubly true for beet bread. Forget the unattractive beet salad from the canteen. Beetroot in our bread supports digestion, gives it a special sweet taste and interesting colour. The bread remains soft for a few days and has a wonderful smell.

We swear on beet bread with fish spread, grated horseradish and small romaine lettuce with all our hands and fingers in the bakery.

Currant cheesecake
with lavender

Once again, let your imagination run wild, let yourself be taken by exquisite tastes served by the confectionery team headed by Majka Kašická and bite into a delicious cheesecake with currants and lavender.

The sour taste of homegrown currants and the authentic smell of lavender come, like a large part of our products, from a farm in Farná. Haven’t tried it at home yet? Everything is for the first time, even cheesecake with currants and lavender, for example.

Make an order today

We will be happy to prepare bread, cakes and desserts for you to order in advance.


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Našej pekárni sneh veľmi pristane ❄️🏔️ Príďte sa presvedčiť a vybrať si tú svoju dokonalú kombináciu. 

🥐+🫖= 🫶🏻
Áno áno, je to tak! 🎉🎉 
Už 30. novembra pre vás otvoríme brány novej prevádzky pekárne a cukrárne Kuszmannov bazár. Nájdete tam všetky dobroty, ktoré poznáte z Tatranskej Lomnice a ešte o čosi viac, kedže si v prevádzke môžete aj posedieť pri kávičke, čaji či sendviči a plnenom croissante. 🥐🥪☕️ 

Odteraz už každá cesta do Smokovca či okolo musí končiť u nás 🫶🏻❤️
Jeseň nikdy nechutila lepšie! 🍂 

Naša najnovšia pochúťka vám prinesie dokonalú kombináciu sezónnych chutí. Zastavte sa a zažite pravú chuť jesene!

#TasteOfFall #AutumnTreats #CozyFlavors #WarmDessert #CinnamonBliss #SeasonalSweets #HighTatrasBakery
Malé kúsky šťastia v každom súste 🍫 

Naše ručne robené pralinky sú plné lahodných chutí a starostlivosti. Perfektné na sladké chvíľky s blízkymi alebo ako rozmaznávací darček pre seba. Ktorú si vyberieš dnes?

#HandmadePralines #ChocolatesOfJoy #SweetTreats #GourmetChocolate #IndulgeYourself #ArtisanSweets #HighTatrasBakery
🥐🥨 Vďaka vám rastieme! 🥖

Už čoskoro sa môžete tešiť na nový prírastok v rodine pekárni Kuszmannov Bazár. Od tohtoročnej zimy bude čerstvý chlebík rozvoniavať aj v Starom Smokovci. Tešíme sa na vás!

#bakery #hightatras #kuszmannovbazar #IndulgeYourself #ArtisanSweets #HighTatrasBakery #bread #new #winter #pastry #starysmokovec
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