
Zobraziť ponuku pečiva

Sugar is not a sin

When there is energy output, there must simply be input as well. In the mountains, this is true multiple times. So leave the calorie tables at home and taste our homemade cakes and desserts. When baking, we use only quality animal ingredients, fruits from our farm in Farná, Belgian chocolate and vanilla pods.

Cheesecakes, macarons, pralines and classics such as Drunken Isidore or punch cut. For a trip or sit-down. Sugar is not there forever, you just have to walk it out. What is not a problem in Tatranská Lomnica at the foot of the most beautiful peaks.

Pampering and care

The biggest problem with pleasures is that we only sporadically allow them. Yet, to treat yourself to a dessert or a piece of cake is a must in Kuszmann’s bazár. Velvet roll made of cocoa sponge (gluten-free), with vanilla and chocolate butter cream, covered in tender chocolate decorated with Parisian chocolate.

Symphony of tastes at the first bite. And our cakes, which we are happy to prepare for a family celebration, wedding or just to taste, are definitely worth the attention of all the dessert spoons in the world. Because every day can be a sweet treat day.

Candy bar

Celebrations, weddings, teambuildings or just Fridays, upon your own consideration. There’s always a reason for something sweet to eat. Nothing is worse than a sweet ending, which has not cost much, but is not worth much as well.

When preparing mini desserts, we use the same quality ingredients and recipes, where nothing can be speed up but the result is definitely worth it. We document guest confessions of easy addiction to desserts and cakes from our bakery and pastry shop, and we’ll be sure to share them with you.

Make an order today

We will be happy to prepare bread, cakes and desserts for you to order in advance.



Vyhrajte poukážku v hodnote 30€ na nákup v našej remeselnej Pekárni a Cukrárni! 

Vaše ratolesti sa o pár dní vracajú do školských lavíc a my vám uberieme starosť o desiatu. Či už to bude čerstvý chrumkavý chlebík, bagetka alebo podpecník. 🥨

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Víťaza vyberieme 31.8.2024 🏅

#vysoketatry #hightatras #pekaren #cukraren #bakery #lomnica #tatry #sutaz #kuszmannovbazar
🍭Milé deti, sme na váš deň pripravení. Ku každému nákupu dostane zajtra každé dieťa jedno vynikajúce lízatko, ktoré si pre vás pripravili naše šikovné cukrárky. 

Tešíme sa na vás v Tatranskej Lomnici a v OC Forum v Poprade!💛
Dopriať si zákusok alebo kúsok torty je v Kuszmannovom bazári povinná jazda, preto nechajte kalorické tabuľky pre istotu doma 💛🧁

#remeselnacukraren #kuszmannovbazar #vysoketatry
My vieme,

cena nášho chleba je vyššia v porovnaní s chebom, ktorý kúpite v bežnom potravinovom reťazci. Existuje však niekoľko dôvodov, prečo je kváskový remeselný chlieb zvyčajne drahší v porovnaní s bežným chlebom. 

Viac sa dozviete vo videu 💛

#remeselnapekaren #kvaskovychlieb #pekaren #kuszmanovbazar
Máj je mesiac, kedy sa láska zdá byť všade okolo nás 💛 Preto sme do našej ponuky koláčov opäť zaradili obľúbený zákusok pre dvoch: P.S.: milujem ťa!

Koho by ste na zákusok pozvali? Označte v komentári! 

Dostupné v Tatranskej Lomnici aj v OC Forum Poprad.

Ktorý croissant je váš najobľúbenejší? 💛

#pekarenkuszmannovbazar #remeselnapekaren #vysoketatry #poprad