Crunchy and always fresh

Zobraziť ponuku pečiva

Our daily bread

If the harvester on the road ever forces you to slow down, don’t honk. Maybe he just mowed the grain that will be ground in the mill and our bakers will then bake an exceptional sourdough bread, which may be waiting also for you. In the breads from the Kuszmannov bazár bakery and confectionery, you will find only flour ground in craft mills, salt, water and sourdough.

Quality things are worth waiting for, and so is our bread. We bake it using the long maturation method, which lasts three days. It starts with leavening, dough making, shaping and overnight maturing. Every day you will be able to buy wheat, rye and whole grain sourdough bread in our bakery.

Salty love
at first bite

In addition to bread, our team also prepares several types of salty pastries. All added ingredients (potatoes and vegetables) come from our farm in the village of Farná in the south of Slovakia.

If you are getting ready for a morning hike, walk or relaxing stay in Tatranská Lomnica, here you can find garnished baguettes and ready-made sandwiches for your journey. We know from our own experience that hunger begins after just a few steps and affects all tourists regardless of age.

Pie for each hand

Let him who can withstand an honest and baked-with-love cake cast the stone. For those who can’t, we daily bake sweet pieces from homegrown sourdough. Cinnamon rolls, traditional strudels or cardamom twists. If you want something more fluffy, our bakers have prepared croissants with irresistible flavours of pistachios and hazelnuts. There are also kolaches with curd cheese and fruit from our farm in Farná. Once you come and smell our bakery, you will not leave without a cake.

Dear vegans, we have thought about you too – choose from our offer of special breads. For a vegan dessert, we invite you to the Hotel Lomnica, which is located opposite the bakery.

Dear vegans, we have thought about you too – choose from our offer of special breads. For a vegan dessert, we invite you to the Hotel Lomnica, which is located opposite the bakery.

Make an order today

We will be happy to prepare bread, cakes and desserts for you to order in advance.


Áno áno, je to tak! 🎉🎉 
Už 30. novembra pre vás otvoríme brány novej prevádzky pekárne a cukrárne Kuszmannov bazár. Nájdete tam všetky dobroty, ktoré poznáte z Tatranskej Lomnice a ešte o čosi viac, kedže si v prevádzke môžete aj posedieť pri kávičke, čaji či sendviči a plnenom croissante. 🥐🥪☕️ 

Odteraz už každá cesta do Smokovca či okolo musí končiť u nás 🫶🏻❤️
Jeseň nikdy nechutila lepšie! 🍂 

Naša najnovšia pochúťka vám prinesie dokonalú kombináciu sezónnych chutí. Zastavte sa a zažite pravú chuť jesene!

#TasteOfFall #AutumnTreats #CozyFlavors #WarmDessert #CinnamonBliss #SeasonalSweets #HighTatrasBakery
Malé kúsky šťastia v každom súste 🍫 

Naše ručne robené pralinky sú plné lahodných chutí a starostlivosti. Perfektné na sladké chvíľky s blízkymi alebo ako rozmaznávací darček pre seba. Ktorú si vyberieš dnes?

#HandmadePralines #ChocolatesOfJoy #SweetTreats #GourmetChocolate #IndulgeYourself #ArtisanSweets #HighTatrasBakery
🥐🥨 Vďaka vám rastieme! 🥖

Už čoskoro sa môžete tešiť na nový prírastok v rodine pekárni Kuszmannov Bazár. Od tohtoročnej zimy bude čerstvý chlebík rozvoniavať aj v Starom Smokovci. Tešíme sa na vás!

#bakery #hightatras #kuszmannovbazar #IndulgeYourself #ArtisanSweets #HighTatrasBakery #bread #new #winter #pastry #starysmokovec
✨ Vianočné vône prichádzajú z Tatier! 🎄

Nastal čas naplniť domov vôňou škorice, vanilky a čokolády. Naše ručne robené vianočné pečivo a zákusky sú tvorené s láskou a tradíciou, aby vás sprevádzali najkrajším obdobím roka. Vyberte si z našich balíčkov na mieru, ktoré budú ideálnym darčekom pre vašich blízkych. Objednávky prijímame už teraz, nech máte Vianoce v predstihu sladké a nezabudnuteľné. 🎅✨

📍 Nájdete nás v srdci Vysokých Tatier.
☎️ Objednávky prijímame na telefónnych číslach +421522853532 a +421522853535 alebo prostredníctvom emailu

#christmas #ChocolatesOfJoy #SweetTreats #GourmetChocolate #IndulgeYourself #ArtisanSweets #HighTatrasBakery